HDW Netherland in Heinenoord
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Green HDW

The increasing environmental measures demand more and more from companies. This also applies to us at HDW and we approach this the following way.


There is nothing more important than ensuring a bright future for the next generations. Providing your own energy, minimizing emissions and separating waste is becoming more important by the day.

We believe that developing along with current and future measures for corporate social responsibility is important.

A better climate starts with yourself, but we do it together. At HDW, we are taking steps day by day.


The Green timeline


HDW moves to a new location with an environmentally conscious building in Heinenoord. Without gas connection!


Installation of charging points for electric bicycles.


Last diesel forklift replaced by electric variant.


Installation of charging stations for 6 electric cars.


Purchase the first 2 electric cars.


Start project to increase own energy generation.


Additional solar panels will be placed on top of the building.

Environmentally conscious in Heinenoord

With the construction of the building, we have gone much further in terms of the environment than the constructionindustry prescribed. So we have:

- Much better wall, roof and floor isolation
- Much better isolating double glazing
- White roof covering
- Heat pumps instead of a gas connection
- 120 solar panels installed instead of the required number
- Permeable paving in the parking lot

Internally make steps forward as well. We work on:

  • More own cups instead of disposable cups
  • Separating waste
  • Reducing printing
  • Enter reusable notebook
© 2025 HDW

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